
首页 > 录取案例 > X同学
  • X同学

  • 北京161中学

  • 高中

  • GPA90,雅思7

  • 英属哥伦比亚大学

  • 国际贸易

Argue 的中文意思是辩论、争论、说服。所谓说服,无非就是好好地向对方说理,使之接受,使对方的态度、行为朝自己预期的方向改变的一种沟通方式。在留学申请过程中,我们也会因为学生收到拒信而跟录取委员会的老师们据理力争。相信我,和录取委员会的老师去 Argue 绝不是一件丢人的事情,相反这种博弈可能会产生意外的惊喜。 X 同学 , 高中成绩 90 分,申请了加拿大的 UBC 大学 ( 英属哥伦比亚大学 ),第一志愿是商科,第二志愿是国际经济学,要知道这两个专业是留学生申请频率最高的专业。录取结果出来后,学生申请的这两个专业全部被拒掉,学校发了一个分校区的商科录取,学生是绝对不会去的。 这时候,新航道并没有放弃,在研究了学校的拒信后,我们和学生及家长进行了深入地沟通,当机立断的做了一个决定,我们要 Argue! 直接和学校联系上诉。上诉的过程还算比较顺利,在几位学校老师的帮助下,我们的邮件终于到达了 evaluator 的邮箱,第二天就收到了学校的回复: Dear Xu,  I can appreciate your disappointment in not receiving favorabledecisions regarding your application to the Bachelor of Commerce andthe Bachelor of International Economics.  Please note that your application was not assessed solely onyour IELTS and Math scores. Your application was assessed based onall the academic courses and grades listed on your interim high schooltranscripts.  As a very competitive university, every year UBC receives moreapplications than we can accommodate. Hundreds of applicationsare refused, not necessarily because they were not good students,but because their applications were not as competitive as otherapplications submitted.   Your transcript indicates that you have achieved good gradesin your classes. However, as there are only a limited number of seatsavailable to these programs, to be competitive applicants must presentexception grades in all the courses they have completed and/or arecompleting.  While I can appreciate your disappointment in receiving anunfavorable decision, which has been further complicated with your friend’s favorable news, the privacy laws of Canada restrict us fromhaving a conversation about your friend’s application. UBC does offer a Bachelor of Management on our Okanagancampus. As you have shown an interest in business, and your gradesare good, we believe that you would be successful in this program.This is why we have taken the liberty of offering you admission tothis program. This program offers minors in Economics, Psychology,and Sociology. I encourage you to look through the website http://management.ok.ubc.ca/welcome.html to see if this business programis of interest to you. If you are interested in being located on the Vancouver campus, wecan offer you the Bachelor of Arts program.Please let me know your preferences and we can proceed fromthere.从邮件内容上看,学校虽然认为学生很优秀,但与其他申请者相比他的竞争优势不明显,才给的分校区商科的录取,我们与学校 Argue 后,学校同意给 X 同学主校区文学士学位的录取。当我们把这个好消息告诉学生时,学生别提有多高兴了 ! 她妈妈和我说,当初在选专业时定商科是妈妈的意愿,因为她本身是在银行工作,为了孩子将来的工作考虑 ; 而这个文学位是孩子的第三志愿,但由于申请时不能选择三个专业,只能是放弃了。现在看来,真是像 X 同学妈妈说的,误打误撞,这就是孩子最喜欢的专业 !在此提醒学生及家长:  这个案例只是个案,并不建议所有的人都这样操作,Argue 之前一定要有足够的理由和经验,必须自信,同时你的背景也要拿得出手,这样才能提高复活的几率。在此祝愿我们所有的学生都能申请到自己理想的院校及专业 !